remember my life full of special moments when I was a teenager. I grew up in a
small town called Rabinal. It is located in the center of my country Guatemala.
When I was teenager, I was studying at Zamaneb College. The college was the
place where I found really good friends that support me in my bad times. As a
teenager I used to believe that I was able to do everything. I was shorter than
the rest of my friends. Probably, I looked like the little David, but I felt
that I had the strength of Goliath. I wanted everything, and I fought for it
until I got it. The world was too small for me that only closing my eyes I
could go anywhere. I was a dreamer, and
my dreams were the push that I needed to move myself and got what I wanted.
At home, mi life was different than
the dreams I had at that moment. My mom passed away when I was 2, but my father
got married again. Living with stepmother was so hard that I almost lost the
spirit I had inside. She was so strict, and she tried to limit my world to just
four walls. She wanted me to be someone that I didn’t want to be. She was
killing the spirit I had inside, and she wanted that I followed her dreams. Today,
I can say that my dreams were stronger than hers, so I can say I stood firm. In
those hard times, I always felt a presence. It was something that I can’t
explain, but every time I had to make a decision, that presence took me to the
right way. It was a presence that led my actions. It was always with me, and I
would like to believe that was mom taking care of me from heaven.
I loved my life as a teenager
because it was the time when I lived without any worries. It was the time when
I met really good friends that showed me what loyalty means. It was the time when I had my first encounter with love and understood that there is nothing more
beautiful than a woman. I loved it because it was the time when I just wanted
to live.