Monday, October 22, 2012

Newspaper Reading

Anti-bullying ad sends gut-wrenching message to a different audience - adults

By Donna Krache, CNN

Editor’s Note: Not In Our School offers resources to help adults empower students against bullying. You may also want to check out The Stop Bullying Speak Up campaign, sponsored by Cartoon Network, CNN and Time Warner, a student-centered approach that also offers educator and parent materials.

(CNN) - It’s an anti-bullying message designed to hit home with a different audience - adults. And it hits hard.

The set is an office breakroom. The office bully calls a coworker names, then pushes and threatens him, even as horrified colleagues pretend not to notice. One gets up from his table and scurries away. The victim is humiliated. The bully revels in the power.

In the end, the boss intervenes, but not to bring justice - just to tell the bully and the victim to "get back to work."

Anyone who watches the public service announcement, “Break Bullying,” would see no office would allow the scene to play out that way. In reality, it didn't: It was based on actual experiences from the producer's middle school years.

And that’s the point, according to the organization Not in Our School and Mike Nelson, the producer of the spot: If we wouldn’t stand for bullying as adults, why do we allow it to happen in our schools?

When Nelson’s boss at production house MAKE told him to do a piece on bullying, he jumped at it. Nelson was bullied in middle school and fell back on that experience to create a story that would resonate with adults who saw it.

He decided to use real images and real language. Even "bleeped out," the expletives are obvious and stinging. Nelson says that’s the reality of bullying.

“This is how it happens,” he told CNN.

The Not in Our School program focuses on what adults can do to help kids address bullying and make schools safe for everyone. Its site offers a guide to start a Not in Our School campaign as well as a video kit and links to anti-bully supports. It also features anti-bullying lesson plans for elementary, middle and high school classrooms.

Nelson’s anti-bullying message had a strong impact on Cohn-Vargas. An educator and daughter of a family that escaped the Holocaust, she notes, “Many adults have taken action from personal experience.”

Now that he's an adult, Nelson said, he's taking his own action against bullying.

“I basically played out my own experience in school,” he said. “I wrote that exactly as it was.

“That hurtful behavior sticks with kids for the rest of their lives."


Newspaper Reading: Preparation for Group Discussion

Student: __Elinton Jeronimo__________________________________

1) Select one magazine or newspaper article to bring to class. This article can also come from an online newspaper such as The New York Times or The Los Angeles Times.

2) Gather three words you did not understand, liked, and/or found interesting in the article you selected, look them up in the dictionary, and complete the table below.

PART OF SPEECH (Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, etc.)
Use superior strength or influence to intimidate someone, typically to force him or her to do what one wants.
Informal causing great distress or suffering.
Feel or cause to feel a sharp tingling or burning pain or sensation.

3) To help with the context for the words you selected, highlight or underline the sentences that contain the three words you gathered.

4) In one sentence, explain what the article is about. You can use the following sentence starters to help you: “This article is about…” “The main idea in this article is…”

5) Bring this sheet and a hard or digital copy of your article to class. Be prepared to share this information with a group of peers next class.




Friday, October 19, 2012

Essay # 1 The Secret Life of Bees.

Elinton Jeronimo

English 70/Clara Bauler

October 19, 2012


Handling Racism and Discrimination

In the 1960’s the United States was a country that was well known because of the developing of its economy, industry and its power as one of the best nations in the world. Besides all this development, the US also was well known as one of the countries where racism and discrimination, especially against black people, was present along the country. These issues make the country to live one of the hardest times in its history.

Nowadays, many stories have been told, movies and documentaries been made, and many books written about the reality of those issues. In the novel The Secret Life of Bees, Sue Monkk Kid, transport us to those hard moments in the life of Lily Owens, a white teenager, who accidentally killed her mom who had abandoned her with her father. Her father was mean with her, and she decides to live home looking for the story of her mom. She also gets in trouble saving her best friend Rosaleen from the anger of racist people. However, Lily and Rosaleen leave Sylvan S.C. to get Tiburon S.C, where they find the Boatwright sisters, three black women that help them, and Lily has her first encounter with love meeting a black guy named Zachary. At the end of the story Lily finds out the whole story about her mother deciding to stay with the Boatwright sisters. What gets the attention of the reader is the role that discrimination and racism takes an important role in the story and how the characters deal with this situation. Furthermore, it is important to understand the reactions of the characters in the novel, when they love someone, but their relationship is not accepted by society.

            Lily and Rosaleen create a connection that is the nearest relationship a mother and a daughter can have, with the only issue that they belong to different races and their relationship is affected when they face racism or discrimination. Rosaleen gets in trouble because she is disrespectful to a white racist man. Rosaleen is forced by the withe men to apologize for her actions, but denies doing it. The consequence is that Rosallen gets beaten and put in jail, but if we think about why Rosaleen didn’t want to apologize, we have to accept first the courage she has to face a white person. We have to think on what she was thinking on that moment, and I believe that a black women tired of been treated on a bad way and been discriminated, just wanted to show the anger she has been keeping inside for all the racism against her race. I believe that as Rosaleen did, there were many black people that fight for what they believe was right and many of them were killed just to speak out. So I think that apologizing could represent for Rosaleen the acceptance of a superiority of the white race over the black race. Her actions show the braveness that many others had to move people to get into the Civil Rights Movement that ended with the approbation of the Civil Rights Act against discrimination and racism.

            On the other hand, we can see the actions of Lily trying to save Rosaleen from the racism provoked for people of her own race. Lily witnesses all the bad things racist people do to Rosaleen, and she tries to convince her to apologize, but she doesn’t get it. Then she helps Rosaleen to escape from police because she knows how dangerous that could be for a black prisoner. It is understandable why a white girl takes these actions for a black woman if we think that Rosaleen has been the only figure se has as a mother.  The relationship this time is stronger than the ideals of her race because she feels that her mother can be killed, so she will be willing to do anything to save her. Black women were destined to be nannies of white babies, and I believe that the new white generation, raised by black women, had a big influence on changing the history of racism. Lily is an example of one of those people that have changed the way black people were seen in the US.

            The most dangerous relationship that faces racism in the novel is the one that exists between Lily and Zachary, which brings different reactions from the characters. It is unimaginable that love could happen between a white girl and a black guy in the worst times of racism in the US, but in the novel Lily and Zach make it possible. Lily is confident with her feelings, and she is careless about what people can say about their love. In contrast, Zachary is concerned about the danger the relationship can carry. In effect, Zachary faces racism, and Lily is afraid she can lose her love. After Zachary is affected by this issue, something grows inside of him, and he decides that he will study as much as he can and someday be a lawyer and change the way he is seen for been black. Instead to use his anger against white people, he decides to use that anger to push himself to have a better future. Also, his decision is moved for the love he has for Lily. Zachary can be a representation of one of those leaders that against everything never give up.

            Racism and discrimination represent the worse side the US had in past times. However, leaders and the mobilization of people to fight for their rights was the key to get rid of these issues. In the novel The Secret Life of Bees, is evident how these issues affect not only black, but also white people. The relationships between Lily, Rosaleen and Zachary, represent the hard times people could face when they try to mix the two races. Racism and discrimination against minorities are issues that some people still have to face in the US. Some states like Arizona and Alabama have laws with racial profile that affect illegal immigrants, but the only way they can handle it is, as the characters in the novel did, staying together and supporting each other.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


The Soloist

Steve Lopez, a columnist of Los Angeles Times, meets a homeless person named Nathaniel Anthony Ayers, who is a great musician, but suffers from paranoid schizophrenia. Lopez is moved by the skills of this homeless musician, to be able to write a story of a man who plays the violin with such passion that he is transported into his own little world. Lopez starts to find information about Nathaniel getting good results, and so he is able to write the story. The story is out for the people and Lopez start to receive offers from people that would like to donate violins for Nathaniel. At the same time, Lopez is looking for a safe place for the musician, and he finds Lamp Community. Nathaniel refuses to go there, and the writer takes all the instruments he receives to the center to motivate the musician to assist to the Lamp Community. The love for the music makes Nathaniel plays the violin on the yard of Lamp Community.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Researching Homelessness

Why is this piece of information important?
Homelessness in the US:
-An individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
-Several governmental and nongovernmental have been working with homeless population.
-According to the US Conference of Mayors, the 3 most common causes are families were lack of affordable housing, poverty and unemployment.
-Los Angeles considered as the capital of homelessness of the US. (51,000).
Because it shows that it is an issue that has been growing in the last years, and Mayors of all cities in the US, have been dealing with. In my country, Guatemala, I believe that there are similarity with the most common causes of homelessness, but in my country the economy is worse and there are not many institutions that can help.
Santa Barbara Homless Survey made by Common Ground in May 2011:
-1,040 homeless were counted in SB.
-73 % were men. Their average of age is 41.
-270 live on the streets, 291 in shelters.
-15 % were military veterans, 57% with mental illness, 51% reported alcohol abuse and 42% reported drug abuse
This survey made in 2011 was the key to start the way to help homeless people. Common Ground made an analysis of this people and now they know how big the problem is, and also how they can help.
Homeless prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program:
-Santa Barbara will put $ 50,000 to make changes on the benches on State Street. (Remove backs, 90 degrees).
-Officials have been doing efforts in the whole city, but they are not effective).
-People think that it is a waste of money.
-The whole program will cost $1,200.00.The City will act as the lead, collaborating with Catholic Charities, Transition House, Casa Esparanza, Legal Aide, and Bringing Our Community Home, on projects preventing and re-housing the homeless.
This information shows me the advances that the City of Santa Barbara has been getting with this issue. I can see that there are several organizations that want to help to prevent homelessness. I ride my bicycle from downtown to Montecito five days a week and I have noticed that the number of homeless people, on the beach area, has been growing in the last two years.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

My Life as a Teenager

I remember my life full of special moments when I was a teenager. I grew up in a small town called Rabinal. It is located in the center of my country Guatemala. When I was teenager, I was studying at Zamaneb College. The college was the place where I found really good friends that support me in my bad times. As a teenager I used to believe that I was able to do everything. I was shorter than the rest of my friends. Probably, I looked like the little David, but I felt that I had the strength of Goliath. I wanted everything, and I fought for it until I got it. The world was too small for me that only closing my eyes I could go anywhere.  I was a dreamer, and my dreams were the push that I needed to move myself and got what I wanted.

            At home, mi life was different than the dreams I had at that moment. My mom passed away when I was 2, but my father got married again. Living with stepmother was so hard that I almost lost the spirit I had inside. She was so strict, and she tried to limit my world to just four walls. She wanted me to be someone that I didn’t want to be. She was killing the spirit I had inside, and she wanted that I followed her dreams. Today, I can say that my dreams were stronger than hers, so I can say I stood firm. In those hard times, I always felt a presence. It was something that I can’t explain, but every time I had to make a decision, that presence took me to the right way. It was a presence that led my actions. It was always with me, and I would like to believe that was mom taking care of me from heaven.  
            I loved my life as a teenager because it was the time when I lived without any worries. It was the time when I met really good friends that showed me what loyalty means. It was the time when I had my first encounter with love and understood that there is nothing more beautiful than a woman. I loved it because it was the time when I just wanted to live.