Monday, October 15, 2012


Researching Homelessness

Why is this piece of information important?
Homelessness in the US:
-An individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence.
-Several governmental and nongovernmental have been working with homeless population.
-According to the US Conference of Mayors, the 3 most common causes are families were lack of affordable housing, poverty and unemployment.
-Los Angeles considered as the capital of homelessness of the US. (51,000).
Because it shows that it is an issue that has been growing in the last years, and Mayors of all cities in the US, have been dealing with. In my country, Guatemala, I believe that there are similarity with the most common causes of homelessness, but in my country the economy is worse and there are not many institutions that can help.
Santa Barbara Homless Survey made by Common Ground in May 2011:
-1,040 homeless were counted in SB.
-73 % were men. Their average of age is 41.
-270 live on the streets, 291 in shelters.
-15 % were military veterans, 57% with mental illness, 51% reported alcohol abuse and 42% reported drug abuse
This survey made in 2011 was the key to start the way to help homeless people. Common Ground made an analysis of this people and now they know how big the problem is, and also how they can help.
Homeless prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program:
-Santa Barbara will put $ 50,000 to make changes on the benches on State Street. (Remove backs, 90 degrees).
-Officials have been doing efforts in the whole city, but they are not effective).
-People think that it is a waste of money.
-The whole program will cost $1,200.00.The City will act as the lead, collaborating with Catholic Charities, Transition House, Casa Esparanza, Legal Aide, and Bringing Our Community Home, on projects preventing and re-housing the homeless.
This information shows me the advances that the City of Santa Barbara has been getting with this issue. I can see that there are several organizations that want to help to prevent homelessness. I ride my bicycle from downtown to Montecito five days a week and I have noticed that the number of homeless people, on the beach area, has been growing in the last two years.

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